Celebrated filmmaker Mani Ratnam has been admitted to a Chennai hospital, reported information company PTI. The 66-year-old filmmaker was admitted to the Chennai hospital reportedly over signs of fever. Extra particulars concerning the veteran filmmaker's well being are awaited. The PTI report quoted a supply and in addition said that the filmmaker is prone to be discharged on Tuesday. "Sources stated the ace director was taken to the hospital with signs of fever right this moment and he underwent a checkup. He had examined destructive for COVID-19, and is prone to be discharged right this moment, the supply added," PTI said.
On the skilled entrance, Mani Ratnam awaits the discharge of the interval drama Ponniyin Selvan, the teaser of which launched lately and has been creating headlines ever since. The movie has been produced by Lyca Productions. The interval drama relies on Kalki Krishnamurthy's common historic novel Ponniyin Selvan (The Son Of Ponni).
The movie's ensemble forged consists of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, vikram, Karthi, Trisha Krishnan, Prakash Raj, Jayaram, Jayam Ravi and Aishwarya Lekshmi amongst others. The movie is slated for a September 30 launch this yr.
Mani Ratnam is understood for steering iconic movies throughout a number of languages, together with Nayakan, Thalapathi, Geethanjali, Bombay, Dil Se.. and Iiruvar. Within the latest years, he directed the 2007 movie Guru and the 2010 movie Raavan. He additionally backed the Netflix anthology titled Navarasa, which featured Suriya, Vijay Sethupathi, Revathi amongst different huge stars. He additionally runs a manufacturing firm referred to as Madras Talkies.
(With inputs from PTI)