Actor Payal Rohatgi and her boyfriend, wrestler Sangram Singh are set to tie the knot on Saturday and their pre-wedding celebrations are on in full swing. Taking to Instagram, the couple, their groups, and Payal's brother Gaurav Rohatgi posted a number of footage from their sangeet and mehendi celebrations. Within the new photographs, Payal and Sangram Singh are seen holding palms and smiling taking a look at one another. The festivities began with mehendi ceremony and was adopted by sangeet. (Additionally Learn | Payal Rohatgi, Sangram Singh search blessings at Agra temple forward of marriage ceremony)
For her sangeet ceremony, Payal wore a cream-coloured lehenga and accessorised with conventional jewelry. Sangram, for the event, wore a maroon and cream-coloured Indo -Western outfit. On his Instagram, Gaurav posted a number of photographs as he and their mom carried out a ritual. As Payal sat on a sofa, they positioned a purple dupatta on her head and gave her a present. In addition they kissed on her head as she smiled. He captioned the submit, "The best reward God gave us is one another (purple coronary heart emoji) #sangeet #familylove." He geo-tagged the placement as Jaypee Palace Agra.
The images group additionally posted a number of footage of the couple from their photoshoot on sangeet. Within the photographs, the duo gave completely different poses for the digicam. Payal and Sangram sat subsequent to one another and smiled as they checked out each other, in one of many footage. He was additionally seen holding her in a photograph. The photographs have been shared with the caption, "Some grooves, love and many enjoyable. That is what sangeet night time is for. Glimpse of @payalrohatgi & @sangramsingh_wrestler sangeet occurred final night time."
Earlier, Payal posted posts from her mehendi ceremony additionally that includes Sangram. For the event, Payal wore a brown embellished lehenga and accessorised with flower jewelry. Sangram was wearing navy blue ethnic put on. Within the footage, Payal smiled and gave completely different poses for the digicam. "Belief the method. Your time will come," she wrote.
In one of many posts, Payal and Sangram checked out one another smiling as he acquired his mehendi executed. Sangram was seen taking a look at Payal's palm in a photograph. The caption learn, "A lady’s most valuable jewel is the person she marries."
Payal and Sangram, who've been courting for about 12 years, will get married on Saturday at an intimate ceremony in Agra. The couple acquired engaged in 2014. After their marriage ceremony, they may host a reception occasion in Delhi on July 14.