After Janhvi Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan's Koffee With Karan 7 episode, Akshay Kumar and Samantha Ruth Prabhu are going to star within the forthcoming episode, airing this Thursday. Filmmaker Karan Johar shared a promo of the episode on social media and one more glimpse of a juicy episode. The clip begins with Akshay carrying Samantha as they make a classy entry on the present. As Karan prompts Samantha about her marriage, the latter jokingly says, "You're the cause for sad marriages." Cause? She defined: "You could have portrayed life to be K3G (Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham). The truth is, the fact is KGF."
In the course of the fast fireplace spherical, which is a ceremonial session on the present, KJo asks Akshay, "If Chris Rock made a joke about Tina (Akshay's spouse Twinkle Khanna), what would you do?" Right here, he referred to the notorious slap between Hollywood star Will Smith and actor-comedian Chris Rock on the 94th Academy Awards whereby the latter made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith's spouse. Akshay shortly replied by saying, "I'd pay for his funeral."
Each Karan and Samantha burst out laughing. The video additionally featured Karan asking Samantha about internet hosting a bachelorette get together. "When you have been internet hosting bachelorette get together, which two Bollywood hunks would you rent to bop?" Her swift reply: "Ranveer Singh and Ranveer Singh."
Sharing the video, Karan Johar wrote, "Coronary heart of gold and a touch of horny & daring - my two new visitors on the Koffee sofa are bringing the warmth this Thursday in an all new episode of Hotstar Specials Koffee With Karan S7 solely on Disney+ Hotstar."
Here is a glimpse of the upcoming episode of Koffee With Karan 7:
Koffee With Karan 7 started with Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt as the primary visitors. The duo is engaged on KJo's directorial Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. The second episode featured Janhvi Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan.