Kamaal R Khan, also called KRK, was granted bail by a Mumbai courtroom on Tuesday, as per a report. The previous actor and movie critic was arrested in reference to a 2021 molestation case registered in opposition to him by Versova police. Kamaal, nevertheless, will stay in jail, as his bail plea is pending earlier than the Borivali Justice of the Peace courtroom in one other case from 2020 associated to his alleged derogatory tweets about actor Akshay Kumar, filmmaker Ram Gopal Verma, and others. Learn extra: Shatrughan Sinha defends Kamaal R Khan after his arrest
KRK’s bail software within the 2020 case is more likely to be heard by the Borivali metropolitan Justice of the Peace courtroom on Wednesday. KRK was arrested from Mumbai airport on August 30 over his outdated tweets and despatched to judicial custody by the Borivali Justice of the Peace courtroom.
As per a PTI report, the Versova police on Sunday took KRK’s custody within the molestation case and he was produced earlier than the Bandra courtroom. Kamaal, in his bail plea filed by means of his attorneys earlier than the Bandra Justice of the Peace courtroom, stated that the contents of the First Info Report (FIR) didn't match the alleged molestation incident virtually.
His attorneys submitted earlier than the courtroom that the FIR was registered 18 months after the incident and that too after the sufferer's good friend requested her to take action, reported PTI. He additional argued that the Indian Penal Code part invoked in opposition to KRK was bailable. The courtroom allowed KRK's plea. The molestation case in opposition to KRK was reportedly registered in June 2021 primarily based on the grievance of a 27-year-old girl. The complainant had alleged that KRK had referred to as her to his bungalow in Versova on the pretext of providing her the lead function in a movie.
In response to PTI, police stated the tweets posted by KRK in 2020 had been communal and he had focused Bollywood personalities. He was booked in 2020 beneath sections 153 (wantonly giving provocation with intent to trigger riot) and 500 (punishment for defamation) and different provisions of the IPC and the Info Expertise Act.
Actor Taapsee Pannu and filmmaker Hansal Mehta had lately spoken about KRK's tweet in opposition to the movie trade. “They've been bashing each movie of mine. As a result of they don’t get cash from me as a result of I don’t ship any of these issues that it's important to write great things about me and I don’t actually acknowledge their presence. People who find themselves like deemak (termites), who eat away and destroy the very fibre of the bottom they're standing on," Taapsee had stated.
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