Priyanka Chopra took to Instagram to share a brand new picture of herself carrying a yellow saree in Los Angeles. The actor channelled her inside desi woman as she shared her picture on Instagram Tales and wrote, “Sari, sari nights. Thanks Mannara for my sari!” Her cousin sister, actor Mannara Chopra, shared Priyanka’s picture on her personal Instagram Tales, and wrote, “This color is supposed for you Mimi didi (Priyanka). Elegant, sleek and exquisite you look. Sending you one in sizzling pink earlier than Diwali.” Additionally learn: Citadel's Indian spinoff with 'massive star' will present Priyanka Chopra's character's origins
Priyanka wore the plain yellow saree with a sleeveless shirt and posed outdoor within the image clicked at night-time. She additionally wore a black bindi with minimal make-up and wavy hair. Priyanka shared the picture a day earlier than Karwa Chauth. This 12 months, Karwa Chauth will probably be celebrated on October 13. Married Hindu ladies observe a vrat (quick) for the lengthy lives of their husbands throughout this pageant.
Priyanka and Nick Jonas married in December 2018, and the actor has been sharing pictures of them celebrating the pageant yearly, ever since. That is Priyanka’s first Karva Chauth since her and Nick welcomed daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas in January this 12 months. Priyanka’s newest picture was shared on fan pages, with many calling her conventional look in yellow ‘stunning’ and leaving feedback like ‘desi woman’. The actor’s identify has been synonymous with Desi Woman, a tune from her 2008 movie Dostana. Directed by Tarun Mansukhani and produced by Dharma Productions, the comedy featured Abhishek Bachchan and John Abraham in lead roles.
Priyanka has many tasks lined up for launch. She is going to star in Citadel alongside Richard Madden. Directed by Russo Brothers, the Prime Video collection is being touted as a ‘massive world spy thriller’. Priyanka additionally has a Hollywood movie titled It is All Coming Again to Me with Sam Heughan. Priyanka may even work on a Bollywood movie titled Je Le Zaraa. It's also set to star Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
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